Shih Tzu Coat Care




Grooming Shih Tzu Coat

A Shih Tzu with full coat is a wonderful sight to behold. With less than an hour a day, you can also have a shih tzu whom others will envy when they see. The key to easy coat care is the correct grooming product you use. I would like to share with you what I use that has helped me achieve the desired results with minimal amount of time.

I used exclusively products from #1 All Systems to help me take care of the coat of all my dogs. I find that the products from #1 All Systems helps minimize breakages and at the same time promote maximum hair growth.

First, I strongly recommend feeding the Vital Energy all vegetarian supplements regardless of the diets you are using. The base ingredient of this product is Flaxseed, which helps promote healthy skin and coat. The hair shaft will be stronger, minimizing the tendency of breakages. This product also enhances the digestive system, and boost immune systems.

Before I bath the dog, I will check thoroughly for any mats. Remove these mats before bathing the dog, as they are very difficult to separate once they harden after the bath. To help me de-mat, I use the Moisturizing Coat Protector & Enhancer. This product will soften the mats and minimize breakages. Saturate the mats with the Moisturizing Coat Protector & Enhancer. Let it work into the coat for 5mins. Separate them into smaller sizes with fingers, then brush thru using a 35mm Pin Brush. For legs and under belly, I use a medium size Slicker Brush to help the de-matting process, taking care not to go beyond the tip of the hair shaft. The Japan manufactured Slicker Brushes by #1 All Systems are designed to give way while at the same time remove any dead coat or mats. They can also be safely used on the body but the rule of not going beyond the tip applies if you want to keep the coat.

The 1st shampoo I use is the Professional Formula Whitening/Brightening Shampoo. This shampoo does not contain bleach or blueing agents. It will whiten the white and brighten the colors. I do not use this shampoo every time I bath my dogs, only once every other week. I use full strength (without diluting) on the stained areas (face) and dilute 1 part shampoo to 5 parts water for the rest of the body. Leave it on the coat for about 3-5mins. This will allows the product to work on the stains. Rinse thoroughly. Next, I will follow on with the Super Cleaning & Conditioning Shampoo. This is the gentlest shampoo I can find in the market, specially formulated for long coated dogs. It will put weight on the hair shaft, leaving a body hugging finish, which is the most desirable for Shih Tzu. For this product, I mix 1 part shampoo to 2 parts water. Apply generously and rinse thoroughly. Once a month, I will use the Product Stabilizer, Coat Re-Texturizer & Skin Refresher as a 2nd shampoo to remove all residues (the minerals found in our tap water) and build-ups (the heavy conditioners and the coat dressings we used previously). Residues and build-ups will soften the coat, making it more likely to tangles and mats. As a thumb rule, when you find more mats than usual, it is time to use the Product Stabilizer, Coat Re-Texturizer & Skin Refresher.This product will leave the coat in its ‘virgin’ state, so that other products can work better. Mix 1 part shampoo to 15 parts WARM water. Work well into the coat. Leave on for 2mins. Rinse well. If the coat feels waxy, follow on with the Super Cleaning & Conditioning Shampoo. As a 3rd shampoo, it can be use very lightly like 1 part shampoo to 5 parts water. Rinse thoroughly.

Conditioners & Treatments
The conditioner I find does the job best is Botanical Conditioner. It will enhance the coat texture of Shih Tzu and helps prevent matting. It produces an instant shine on the coat and provides superb conditioning on the hair shaft. It also moisturizes the skin and at the same time protects the coat from dryness. Mix 1 part conditioner to 10 parts water for healthy coat. For dry or damaged coats, you may want to use 5 parts water instead. The trick to apply any conditioner is to be patient. It will help if you use a basin or a bathing tub that can collect the conditioner after you pour onto the coat. You have to make sure the conditioner get to all parts of the coat, especially behind the ears, under the chin, under the elbow, underneath the body and areas at the base of the tail and thighs. Leave on for about 3mins, allowing the hair shaft to absorb the conditioner. Rinse lightly using COLD water. This will allows the pores to close. The rinsing action actually helps distribute the product into the coat. The Botanical Conditioner is very safe to be left on the coat and it is highly recommended (The amount of conditioner to be left on depends on individual dogs. I do not rinse out any for show preparation). This will allows the hair shafts to have some conditioners to be absorbed in-between baths. Also, I like to rinse the coat while the dog is still in the bathing tub. As the water level rises, the coat will float. This process is call ‘floating the coat’ which helps to distribute the conditioner to hard-to-reach areas of the coat.

Once a month, I will use the Premium Protein Pack & Pre-Chalk to restore the moisture level of the coat. More often, if it is a dry coat and weekly for a damaged coat. This product contains Collagen and hair enhancing herbs. It will enhance the coat texture and make the hair more luxurious. Apply a generous amount onto the coat. Do not rub into the coat, as rubbing will cause tangles. Work in the direction of the hair growth. Once the coat is completely coated with the Premium Protein Pack & Pre-Chalk, wrap the dog with a towel, followed by a plastic wrap. I use the black garbage bag, leaving only the head outside the bag. You may want to put the dog under the dryer for 15mins. I just hold the dog for 30-45mins as the body will naturally produce the right amount of heat. After that, allow the coat time to cool before rinsing out the product. When the product has been completely rinsed out, condition using the Botanical Conditioner.

Coat Holding
Coat Holding is a process whereby the hair shaft is coated with a layer of specially formulated oil. The benefit of Coat Holding is that tangles and mats will become non-existence (which means less brushing to do). I start to keep the dog in oil once they reach 9 months of age, right until they are clipped short. As Shih Tzu is a double-coated breed, I use the Pure Cosmetic Lanolin Plus Skin & Hair Emollients. Lanolin is the only oil, which can be naturally absorbed into the skin and hair. Lanolin improves elasticity and moisture level of the skin and coat. I especially like to use this product to repair the coat of the dogs that comes to me when they are more that a year old with dry or damaged coat. It will only take a few applications to restore the health of the hair shaft. Mix 30ml of the Pure Cosmetic Lanolin Plus Skin & Hair Emollients and 30ml of Super-Rich Protein Lotion Conditioner to 1litre of warm water. Super-Rich Protein Lotion Conditioner acts as an emulsifying agent, helping the oil to mix with the water. I also like to use a bathing tub for this process. Pour the mixture onto the coat; making sure it gets right into the hard-to-reach areas. It will take a while to get this distributing process right but the practice is worth the effort. You will notice that coat care is a breeze after. I normally do not have to brush dogs in oil between baths, prefer to run my fingers into the coat daily to check for mats. Next, rinse coat thoroughly using cold water. Unlike conditioners, this product will not be rinsed out. Instead, the rinsing action ensure even distribution of the product. Float the coat for an even better distribution.

Squeeze out excess water from the legs, ears and tail. I like to wrap the dog up with a thick beach towel, which will remove most of the water from the coat. Keep in mind not to rub the coat. I will clean the ear every time I bath the dogs. The ear cleaner I used is Ear So Fresh. This product will help expel water that is trap in the ear canal. It will also dissolve and remove ear- wax without digging into the ear canal. Fill the ear canal with Ear So Fresh, massage for 30 seconds and wipe dry. The blower I use is Edemco F3001, which produces a gentle flow of air. I find that this blower produce the right amount of air volume to speed ratio. I used to use those force-air blowers but find that they will swirl the coat, creating tangles. Owners with tighter budget can buy Metro blowers that produce around 10,000FPM air speed. Two models you can consider are the Metro Dog House or Metro Cadet. Both cost less than S$300. You may want to purchase a Groomers’ Third Arm, also by Metro that will free your hand while you blow-dry your dog. Before I start to blow dry the dog, I will apply a generous amount of Invisible Hold into the coat. This product will protect the coat from the heat created by the blower. It will also blocks the effect of humidity and at the same time put weight in the coat, creating a body-hugging finish and shine. Remember to apply in the direction of the hair growth. I like to place the dog on a towel on a table. More water be will absorb by the towel while you are blow-drying. Using a 35mm Pin Brush, I will start the face area and neck with the facing me. Once these 2 areas are dry, you may want to tie the face and topknot up in case they get into the mouth. Lay the dog down and proceed from the ear area toward the base of the tail. The blower must be blowing in the direction of the hair growth. Repeat the process on the other side of the body. Next, turn the dog over to dry the under body and legs. You will notice they are fairly dry now and only need very minimal time under the blower.

For stains on the facial hair, I use the Professional Formula Whitening/Brightening Shampoo full strength. Leave on for 5mins and wash off. For better results, I will follow on with the Color Enhancing Botanical Conditioner, Platinum. This product is specially formulated from the plants and does not contain ammonia, or bleach. Use full strength on stained areas. Leave on for 15mins and wash off completely. The above 2 products should be sufficient for minor stains. For very bad stains, I use the Super-Whitening Gel. This product contains state-of-the-art humectant glycerin and hair strengthening conditioners that will help protect the hair while the stain removing enzymes work on the stains. Apply the Super-Whitening Gel on clean hair then tie them up, if necessary. Before repeating the process the next day, I will wash the ‘old product’ away. The trick is to apply this product on clean hair in order for it to work to its maximum potential.

Grooming Spray
For coats not in oil that needs brushing regularly, it is necessary to slightly moist the coat before brushing. Brushing a dry coat will break the tip of the hair shaft. For this, I choose a new product call the Fabulous Grooming Spray. This product contains lipid enhancers that improve the lipid layers of the skin and coat. Besides moisturizing the coat, it will also help prevent mats, tangles, splitting and greatly enhances the strength of the hair shaft. Spray the product onto the coat and leave on for 5mins, allowing the hair shaft time to absorb the products. Once dried, lightly moist the area again before brushing.

Prevent Mats
For dogs with about 4-5inches of hair, like puppies or clipped-down dogs, I do not keep them in oil. Instead, I will use Hair Revitalizer & Instant Anti-Static Coat Spray after bathe. This products produce a crisp texture and helps coat repel dirt, making brushing easier. I find that it will prevent mats for up to 5 days. After bathing and conditioning, before blow drying, spray a generous amount on the coat, especially on areas that mats easily like behind the ears, underneath the elbows and body and the rear legs. Blow dry.

Topical Skin Problem
Due to the humid nature of our weather, there is a tendency for our Shih Tzu to develop some minor topical skin problem like fungus and hot spot. Common products found in the market work well but are very harsh on the coat. I like to use Tea Tree Oil Spray. Mixed 30-60ml of Tea Tree Oil Spray with any #1 All Systems shampoo when bathing the dogs. This will help prevent the skin problem from developing into a major outbreak. For a more direct cure, spray the affected areas with the Tea Tree Oil Spray 3 times a day for a week. The natural solvent allows it to be absorbed into the skin along with its healing properties. The state-of-the–art ingredients keeps the dogs from licking it off.

About the Author
Patrick Tan is an experience show dog groomer and handler. He has been involved in dog showing since 1998. His friendship with Roberta Lombardi (Rufkin Kennel, Lhasa Apso), Patricia Nicholson (Patrician Kennel, Maltese) and David Green & Greg Lamb (Chanwan Kennel, Shih Tzu) has given him a wide exposure to the finer aspect of coat care for many breeds in a very short time. Patrick has groomed and handled many Shih Tzu and Maltese. His record includes SG NZ CH Patrician Partington, SG NZ CH Patrician Posh Spice, SG NZ CH Patrician Pania of the Reef, CH Holehola Twin Effects II and the most famous Singapore Grand Champion Holehola Hi Spring owned by Ng Lip Siang of Holehola Kennel. Besides being the top winning locally-bred female Shih Tzu of all time, she made history when she becomes the only locally-bred female Shih Tzu in Singapore to attain the highest honor of the title ‘Singapore Grand Champion’.

Note: The procedures I mentioned are applicable to both long or short coated Shih Tzu. Copyright 2006 Elites Kennel 1st Revision 2009 2nd Revision 2011


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