



Grooming Your Husky Artik*Sno Siberian Huskies all began in l970 when I got my first 6 year old male as a “give-a-way”. He was the ultimate escape artist, so a companion to keep him occupied was essential – then they would both escape. What a learning experience, reinforcing fences, electric fences, etc. 36 years later, we reside in an environment specifically designed to deter the escapee. The intense love for this breed has never waned… we added three Australian Shepherds to our kennel over the past nine years, two of which are Champions and one a rescue. I have found over the years, that conditioning a Siberian Husky starts with diet and nutrition. I looked at where this breed came from – what were they fed that allowed them the strength and stamina to perform the tasks their masters/drivers expected of them. Fish heads, tails, entrails, blubber, skin, etc. Their food was not cooked or processed or dry – and the only vegetation they received would be the stomach contents from the fish or other kill. So, in feeding my dogs, they get raw meat, uncooked bones with as much fat as naturally attached. Since I don’t have ready access to fish heads and seal or walrus blubber, we do the best we can with what is available to us in Southern California. Fortunately we have a Whole Foods market that will save the “trimmings” from chickens, fish, lamb beef, and at times wild game. I do feed a dry “holistic” formula to supplement the fresh as when on the show circuit and traveling by air – the “fresh/raw” becomes an issue. So in order to not shock the system with dietary changes (which will immediatly cause a coat dump), they are fed a combination. Along with the nutritionally complete Vital Energy Whole Food Supplement from #1 ALL SYSTEMS. The most expensive and best formulated shampoos and conditioners cannot do the work designed – if the dogs coat is not in condition to receive the ultimate grooming. I have found that the #1 All System products work in harmony with my feeding and supplementation program the best. And I have tried all the “new” tricks that are “in vogue” at the moment. Our Siberian Huskies are well known for the ultra – white – glistening coat which truly stands out in the ring (the grays sparkle, the reds have a velvet depth and the blacks look like Onyx. Anyone who know the Artik*Sno Siberians can pick our dogs out of a line-up by the glistening/white coat in contrast to the deep blacks and rich reds and sliver grays. This is a secret many have tried to get me to share for many years. So, now the secret is out #1 All systems Pure White Lightening or the Professional Formula Whitening/Brightening. Before conditioning we use the #1 ALL SYSTEMS Product Stabilizer to remove all residues and maximize the texture and volume of the coat. For conditioning the black areas, I use the Midnight Conditioner; the reds/cinnamon use the Platinum or the Red/Brown. Use the #1 ALL SYSTEMS Protein Lotion Conditioner on the white parts first before applying the color conditioners Siberian Huskies are a very easy breed to maintain. When it comes to shedding their coat – there are a few tricks that I use (will get into that later). Some shed once a year, some twice, some every other year…then there are those that “roll” their coat. In all cases – the dogs that are being shown receive daily brushing, weekly bathing and grooming. Fortunately, this is a natural breed and no trimming (with the exception of the feet). The gray coats are the easiest to maintain – they seem to retain the natural moisture, the blacks can develop a red tinge if not shed completely and moisture added properly – this is where the #1 All Systems Midnight Conditioner really can save the show; the reds are the most difficult and in my opinion the most beautiful. The sun burns and dries the red coats, so it is a must they be kept in shade at all times during their show career. Keeping the moisture in the coats is very important. This is where the #1 All Systems helps as a sunscreen and the Platinum or the red/brown shampoos and conditioners are a must. You should be able to tell if your Siberian is going to “dump” or “roll” their coat and act accordingly. For a roll (uniform loss of undercoat and guard hairs) – bathing and daily grooming/brushing (I love my #1All Systems pin brush) will help bring in the new coat quickly while taking out the old dead coat.. Usually during a roll, there is enough coat to continue showing the dog –this is where the #1 All Systems 3D Volumizing spray will allow a marginal coat look full – and maintain a “winning look”., The Dump! Big tufts of undercoat will start dropping – usually in the leg and shoulder area. This is the time when warm baths using #1 All Systems Super cleaning and conditioning……shampoo followed by a very concentrated application of #1 All systems Product Stabilizer and Coat Re-Texturizer Moisturizing coat Protector and Enhancer or before a bath . Leave on the coat – massage into the coat and skin – let sit for at least 10 – 15 minutes – use a wide tooth comb (I use the #1 All Systems de-matting ….comb or the Pin Brush) - to get as much of the outer and undercoat out as possible then rinse with very warm water. As you rinse, you should eliminate most of the coat that is lose and ready to be shed. A good blow dryer is a must at this point – using the pin brush to help loosen the coat during the blow dry. This technique speeds up the drop/blow process, leaving the skin and new coat room to breathe and allow new growth. Exercise is essential – our Siberian Huskies are allowed to exercise in “packs” since these dogs are direct descendents from the wolf – they play and exercise naturally – running – tumbling – keeping themselves in good muscle and body mass. HOWEVER – the current “star” takes special attention. They need additional exercise in order to maintain the proper muscle and stamina for the demands and stress of the dog show and travel. Exercise “in harness” on a bicycle is our preference, since Southern California traffic doesn’t allow wheeled rigs or sleds. I like to work my dogs in a racing harness, as this allows the dog to use all the Correct muscles for correct condition and contour, Our Siberians and our Granddaughter Casandra Clark have traveled all over the United States, Mexico, Canada and Puerto Rico. Casandra started her show career at 8 years old with our class dogs, as she couldn’t enter Junior Showmanship until she was 10. She won the first time she showed a Siberian Husky in the conformation ring at age 8; won her first Junior Showmanship competition a couple of days after her 10th birthday. We have always tried to give her the very best Siberian Huskies to exhibit. The excellent conditioning and grooming with the #1 All System products has truly contributed to our success. When Casandra was 13 she won the Pedigree National Invitational in San Diego California which qualified her to compete in the World Show in Puerto Rico. One month after later she was awarded the prestigious Leonard L. Brumby trophy and honor of Best Junior Showman at Westminster Kennel Club.  She had turned 14 when she was awarded Best Junior Handler in the World at the World Show in Puerto Rico.  For all three competitions she showed a red Siberian Husky bitch (I describer her coat colour as “Cinnamon Toast”) an extremely difficult coat to enhance, maintain and contrast.  A solid black or red coat stands out so distinctly – but with the expert handling and conditioning and grooming Casandra and CH Artik*Sno’s Apricot Flambe` were a team that couldn’t be stopped.  Casandra and the Artik*Sno Siberian Huskies have made history in our breed five times.  She is the only Junior to handle a Siberian Husky to best Jr Handler at Westminster Kennel Club; the youngest to win Siberian Husky Specialty; the youngest to put a Best in Show on a Siberian Husky and the only Junior to win the World show with a Siberian Husky. The Siberian Huskies and Australian Shepherds at Artik*Sno are a  great combination – with the differences in personalities – the Siberian being very aloof and independent; the Aussie – very protective and clingy.  Soon we will be adding a Daschund (wirehaired) to our family – so here comes another grooming challenge.  The #1 All System products has formulas for this type of coat also – so another learning session on the “terrier type” coats.  DON’T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT – THE #1 ALL SYSTEMS SELF RINSE CONDITIONING SHAMPOO AND COAT REFRESHER.  This could make the winning difference from the dogs who tracked through the mud on the way to the ring – vs – the dog who was given the final touch up at ringside with the Self Rinse. Please visit our website and share our dogs, and memories – and feel free to contact me through our website if you have any questions. BIO– I got my first Siberian Husky in l970 – I had never owned a dog prior to this 6 year old coming to live with me and my husband, We quickly found all the challenges of a Siberian Husky and have never strayed from the breed. My second Siberian, was a bitch who produced my first Champion and BBE at that. Most of our Siberians Champions are BBE – not always do we compete in that class however. Our Granddaughter Casandra came to live with us at the age of 8 and since that time has attained International recognition with her handling skills – many well known and prestigious Breeders (Kadyak, Blueridge-Soma, Marjestic, Huricaine, Los Carneros) have sent dogs for Casandra to Campaign and be groomed and conditioned at Artik*Sno. She also has co-owned, and co bred and shown Boxers, Malamutes, currently assisting one of the top professional handlers in the world, Bruce Schultz. As a sales account executive for a nationwide health care provider, I retired in 2001. The passion and love for the sport of showing dogs will transition into judging in the near future. I will continue to breed and show on a very limited basis, as the Artik-Sno future will carry on with our Granddaughter Casandra Clark.

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